queer: through the looking glass

Artur Wesolowski




Upbringing in a conservative society compelled individuals to suppress certain aspects of their identity in order to conform to prevailing social conventions. Therefore, upon achieving independence, individuals may experience a phenomenon commonly referred to as second queer adolescence. The process involves the retrieval of experiences that were previously unattainable for individuals identifying as queer and living within the constraints of a traditional social framework. I have mirrored subjective experience by tracing various aspects of the repressive processes to reproduce them through a queer lens. The significance of the photographic apparatus lies in its ability to reproduce and idealise experiences.

This project is a collection of visual depictions that predominantly draw from the legacy of queer creators, applying their methods of encoding difference and aesthetics. By means of my investigation, I have had the opportunity to examine diverse themes related to the cultural construction of gender and my individual experiences with this phenomenon, utilising socio-political structures and conventional ways of being. The primary aim of my attempts was to honour an expansive and diverse landscape of non-heteronormative identities. This study examines the reclamation of non-conformity and deviance, as well as the pursuit of a lifestyle that surpasses the constraints of a binary framework. Encountering obstacles may serve as a mechanism for uncovering alternative methods of being. The platform possesses the capability to facilitate innovative forms of communication and induce a shift in paradigm. It has the potential to serve as a platform for novel modes of communication and cause a paradigm shift.