Hannah Wickham


THE YARN PROJECT embodies my love for knitting, acting as an online display of a Yarn Bombing project that I carried out with a friend in the early months of 2023. Aiming to contradict the individualistic nature of the daily commute during rush hour, Xin and I knitted and crocheted items that we installed on the Jubilee line from Stratford to Stanmore on Monday the 30th of January. Within this website, I showcase responses to a Reddit Forum posted after our installation, alongside a short film and zine.

This Project queries whether the addition of these abstract creations, which conventionally illustrate themes of collectivism, warmth and playfulness, will emulate these feelings in a typically individualistic environment. In essence, my site aims to create a platform where the guerrilla knitting art movement can be explored from a unique and creative perspective; directly mimicking the playfulness and colourfulness of yarn bombing.