Eddie the Box

Panchmi Aswani


Eddie the Box is an engaging and educational website that caters to children between the ages of 6 to 9 and provides them with an interactive journey, exploring London's iconic telephone boxes. With its engaging design and interactive features, Eddie the Box brings the history of telephone boxes to life. Through vibrant graphics, it delves into their growth, cultural significance, their role in connecting people across the city, and how they have shaped London's identity.

With Eddie as their personal host, children will have a guide to answer their questions and share fascinating insights along the way. This distinctive feature personalizes the learning experience and encourages children to engage with the material in meaningful ways. Eddie's friendly personality and helpful nature makes him the perfect companion for young learners as they explore the history of telephone boxes.

The website offers a wealth of knowledge about telephone boxes, including their design, the decline of telephone boxes, and how they are used today, providing a comprehensive understanding of this iconic symbol of British culture.