A heavy rain in the distance turns into my breath

Peijia Hu




This project is focused on the alienation found in metropolitan life, merging with an exploration of identity, belonging and memory, based on the experience of being far away from home. By presenting these pauses of strangers, it tries to create a communal connection and evoke a unique moment hidden in the bottom of our hearts.

Wandering around central London, I photographed several empty moments at a distance, when people were thinking, floating, melting, or maybe boiling. At the same time, I visited six bedrooms of young women who left their hometowns in China to live here like myself. In the company of where they start and end a day, different yet deeply resonant memories of home were shared.

As everything that must be exactly quantified due to city life flies by, we realise that we can still wholeheartedly drown ourselves in those dreamy moments, leaving the whirlpool of life behind us for a while. Before reaching the other side of reality, we enjoy that void, we review the bright but neglected fragments of our past, and we finally begin to perceive others.